Vent Free- Gas Logs
Magnolia offers change out service, estimates, and installation! If you're looking for "turn-key" service, you have come to the right place!
All log sales are final and must be secured with a credit card. It is important that you know exactly what you need before ordering. Please get us involved prior to making your decision.
This vent free gas log comes with logs, burner, embers and remote, all in one box! This popular choice comes in sizes of 21", 24", and 30".
71-VF9-12- (21" Set)- $841.00 + Tax
74-VF9-12- (24" Set)- $867.00 + Tax
73-VF9-12- (30" Set)- $919.00 + Tax
One of Lesley's favorites!! The Empire Sassafras comes in your choice of millivolt or intermittent pilot! What does this mean?
Millivolt must have the pilot lit manually and the system has the capability of adding a remote control. The intermittent pilot comes with a remote and has an electronic ignition source so that the pilot can be lit at the push of a button....on the remote!!
Millivolt Systems- (Can add remote)
VFSR18/LS18RS (18" Set)- $994.00 + Tax
VFSR24/LS24RS (24" Set)- $1046.00 + Tax
VFSR30/LS30RS (30" Set)- $1124.00 + Tax
1001TH Remote for above sets- $115.00 + Tax
Intermittent Pilot w/ Remote
VFSE18/LS18RS (18" Set)- $1304.00 + Tax
VFSE24/LS24RS (24" Set)- $1347.00 + Tax
VFSE30/LS30RS (30" Set)- $1384.00 + Tax
There is the Sassafras and then there is the "Super Sassafras"!!
The Empire- Super Sassafras comes in your choice of millivolt or intermittent pilot! What does this mean?
Millivolt must have the pilot lit manually and the system has the capability of adding a remote control. The intermittent pilot comes with a remote and has an electronic ignition source so that the pilot can be lit at the push of a button....on the remote!!
Millivolt Systems- (Can add remote)
VFSR18/LS18RSS (18" Set)- $1054.00 + Tax
VFSR24/LS24RSS (24" Set)- $1113.00 + Tax
VFSR30/LS30RSS (30" Set)- $1200.00 + Tax
1001TH Remote for above sets- $115.00 + Tax
Intermittent Pilot w/ Remote
VFSE18/LS18RSS (18" Set)- $1364.00 + Tax
VFSE24/LS24RSS (24" Set)- $1414.00 + Tax
VFSE30/LS30RSS (30" Set)- $1460.00 + Tax
These logs are Stacked!!
The Empire- Ponderosa comes in your choice of millivolt or intermittent pilot! What does this mean?
Millivolt must have the pilot lit manually and the system has the capability of adding a remote control. The intermittent pilot comes with a remote and has an electronic ignition source so that the pilot can be lit at the push of a button....on the remote!!
Millivolt Systems- (Can add remote)
VFSR18/LS18P (18" Set)-$1054.00 + Tax
VFSR24/LS24P (24" Set)- $1115.00 + Tax
VFSR30/LS30P (30" Set)- $1200.00 + Tax
1001TH Remote for above sets- $115.00 + Tax
Intermittent Pilot w/ Remote
VFSE18/LS18P (18" Set)- $1364.00 + Tax
VFSE24/LS24P (24" Set)- $1416.00 + Tax
VFSE30/LS30P (30" Set)- $1460.00 + Tax
That's a nice set of logs!!
These units come with a hi/lo On/Off remote. Upgrade to a 1001-TH for $115.00 + Tax
G10-16/18-15/CHFR-18 (18" Set)-
$1418.00 + Tax
G10-24/30-15/CHFR-24 (24" Set)-
$1502.00 + Tax
G10-24/30-15/CHFR-30 (30" Set)-
$1557.00 + Tax